This project was to reposition an existing product in a different industry with a new target audience. The packaging challenge was to make the the package out of one singular sheet of paper with only one point of glue. 
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.
a green blob creature with a face sits in front of its packaging
a green blob creature can be seen from the center window of its package
the back side of the packaging that features a comic, barcode, and social media icons
a corner view of the packaging that includes a window with the green toy's arm poking out. a hand comes in from the left side of the picture and squishes the toy
a top view of the packaging that shows a bright orange pattern inside

Comic and custom pattern for packaging.

a digital file of the custom dieline created for this project

Custom designed triangle box dieline.

a side view of the triangular packaging. the green blob toy pokes out of the top.
a close-up shot of a hand holding the green blob toy with the packaging blurred in the background
a digital file including the branding, sketches, and design inspiration
Sketches and branding inspiration.
the green toy featured in its original packaging
Original packaging. 
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